Getting Short-Listed and Winning Work: Include Case Studies in Every Proposal»
It’s clear that customer case studies and success stories are integral to the sales process. But how many organizations actually use them in every proposal?
Debunking the Lead Gen Myth: 40% Conversion Rate Using Case Studies for Lead Gen»
Conventional wisdom says that case studies are best kept in the mid to later stages of the buying cycle, once the prospect is pulled in and ready to evaluate a solution further.
Customer Stories – When Video, When Written?»
Satisfied customers are suddenly the stars of countless videos all over corporate web sites and That has a lot of businesses asking, should we be doing video, written or both?
3 Ways to Get Nervous Prospects Off the Fence»
I’m trying to make a decision. I keep getting emails from a company with an attractive offer. They say that the marketing service they offer will help me grow my business. But everyone says that.
25 Different Ways to Use Your Customer Case Studies»
Here are the top 25 ways you can use case studies or success stories—or summaries of them—to establish or reinforce credibility, educate audiences, and validate products, services and organizations.
A Winning Strategy for Landing Big-Name Customer Stories»
I’m a big proponent of what I call “win-win storytelling” in customer case studies and success stories. The company creating the customer story has to benefit, as does the featured customer.
7 Customer Motivators That Don’t Include Discounts!»
From startups to global enterprises, every company struggles at times with getting customers to go on record. Some ideas in practice at companies today for encouraging customers to be featured.
‘Strangers with Experience’ Trump Your Own Marketing»
Think back to the last time you tried a new restaurant or watched a movie. How did you choose where to eat or what to see? You probably saw newspaper advertisements, and maybe even interviews with stars of the show.
Got a Hot Customer Story for the Media? Plan your Pitching Approach»
As a former business journalist, I know how hungry editors and reporters are for unique, yet-untold stories about in-the-trenches business ups and downs.
Never a Better Time for ROI: A Primer on Getting the Numbers You Need»
When customers start holding a little more tightly onto their money, it’s even more critical to include measurable results in customer case studies.