Tip of the Month

Do We Even Need Case Study Design Anymore?»

When I began copywriting in 1998 – in the pioneer days of the World Wide Web – businesses still relied largely on printed materials. If you walked into an office,. . .

3 Ways to Spotlight Parts of a Case Study»

By Casey Hibbard In a detailed customer case study, how do you get certain information to stand out? With strategic use of sidebars. A sidebar is simply a callout box. . .

3 Out of 4 B2B Companies Rely on Case Studies»

By Casey Hibbard Who uses case studies in their marketing and just how effective are they? Every year, the Content Marketing Institute and MarketingProfs surveys hundreds of B2B marketing professionals. . .

3 Questions to Capture Customer Emotions»

By Casey Hibbard People prefer reading about people – not faceless companies. And people experience frustration, confusion, joy and pride. For a more engaging customer case study, capture the range. . .

The Sales-Ready Customer Examples Reps Need»

Customer examples are powerful influences in the sales process. Gone are the days of arming reps with just a long-form case study. They need customer stories in a range of formats.