Case Study Writing Tip #4: Don’t “Wing” Customer Interviews»
With customer success stories and case studies, you need to be more formalized with interview questions, for several reasons.
6 Ways to Maximize Your Investment in Customer Stories»
Here’s how business owners, marketers and writers can approach customer story planning and creation—now—to ensure optimal results this year.
Optimizing Success Stories for Search Engines»
These days, it’s not enough for customer stories to be compelling. Like the rest of the content on your Web site, they’ve got to improve search engine rankings.
What’s in Your Success-Story Pitch Package?»
It helps to create what I call a “pitch package,” which provides all the details customers need to make the decision about being featured as a success story.
A Story Makes Your Message ‘Stick’»
Whether you’re presenting to a potential customer or launching an ad campaign, the message must resonate with the audience. In other words, it has to “stick.”
Timing Your Customer Case Studies—Capture the most emotion and detail early in the customer relationship»
Get the best emotion and most interesting detail by timing your customer case studies fairly early in the relationship.
Opportunities Missed! – Between Gap in Case Study Use and High Rate of Effectiveness»
The survey pointed out that case studies showed the greatest gap between effectiveness and actual use, with videos and software trials following behind.
Study Reveals Business Technology Buyers’ Need for Content»
Think you’re meeting your market’s appetite for content? As it turns out, that appetite is bigger than most thought.
What’s Your Thank-You Protocol?»
In many cases, customer success stories are win-win for all parties involved. They publicly showcase successes and innovation for companies, their partners and customers.
Incenting Sales Reps to Share References»
Get your reference and success story pipeline and processes in place to support all your efforts. As you plan activities, it’s important to establish effective strategies for capturing leads from sales.