Post Archive: Organizing success stories online

Why Some Buyers Don’t Look at Case Studies»

Locked Let’s suppose, for a moment, that you’re in the market for a new car. You probably don’t just get up in the morning, head to a dealership, drive one. . .

MS Outback

86,552 Views of a Single Case Study»

For those who doubt the draw of a customer case study online, here’s your proof. One Microsoft case study, posted online just four months ago, has racked up 86,552 total. . .

THIS is How to Organize Case Studies Online»

In sales and marketing, it’s the ultimate question. How do you get the right information in front of a prospect at the right time? It’s especially tricky now that customers. . .

Give Your Success Stories Their Own Website?»

On most business websites, you have to dig to find a single story. If you do find any, it’s usually after you’ve waded through levels of capabilities copy and promises.. . .

What Works in Customer Success Stories: The Online Intro Page»

Content marketing is about giving audiences access to the TYPE of content they want to consume. For customer success stories and case studies, increasingly that means multiple formats – written. . .