Post Archive: Customer stories in advertising

Salesforce: Blazing the Trail of Customer-Story Innovation»

For years I’ve watched Salesforce break new ground with its customer stories. From design to storytelling to social media engagement, the CRM company seems to blaze the trail when it. . .

Customer Quotes That Compel and Sell in Case Studies»

In a customer story, quotes are the very voice of the customer, your sound bites. Without them, a story can feel flat. Studies have even shown that people who skim. . .

What Missing from This Ad?»

Walking through the Denver airport last week, I couldn’t help but notice the cute dog on this wall ad. After admiring the dog, I realized the Xerox ad features a customer,. . .

A Future without Case Studies? 5 Conclusions about the New FTC Rules»

Marketers are in a panic over the new FTC rules regarding endorsements (testimonials), and the new guidelines went into effect yesterday.

Case Studies in Action – Alibaba’s Hybrid Success Story Campaign»

The last page of October’s Fast Company magazine took me down a rabbit hole – and I enjoyed the ride. I’m always on the lookout for creative uses of customer. . .

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Customer Successes in Advertising: AT&T’s “Small Business Moments”»

While reading Fast Company magazine, I came across an AT&T ad featuring a customer success story. The ad’s headline read "Chad Harris’ Small Business Moment." It went on to highlight,. . .