«Return to Blog List Survey Says…Customer’s Voice Most Effective Content Marketing Tactic
I’ve seen the influence that customer stories have on potential customers time and again, but a new survey provides validation straight from marketers.
Customer testimonials and case studies lead the list of most effective content marketing tactics, according to the newly released B2B Content Marketing Survey for 2013.
The survey asked members of the 50,000+ B2B Technology Marketing Community on LinkedIn about what’s working, who creates content and what kinds, and how marketers measure results.
Not surprisingly, content that conveys the customer’s voice won out over every other form on the survey, including in-person events, online articles, videos, white papers, demos and webinars.
It makes sense. While other forms of content are effective as well, the experience of a happy customer stands out for prospects trying to make informed decisions and reduce risk and uncertainty.
The survey also noted that 82 percent of marketers plan to increase their content production in the next year.
Check out the full survey here.
How about you? Are you planning more content in the coming year? How are you bringing the customer’s voice into your content marketing?